ARM Investment Center
We Put your Money to work
Offering you a platform to achieve all your investment objectives. No matter how small, all you need to do is have the dream and we provide the means.

ARM Aggressive Growth Fund

ARM Discovery Balanced Fund

ARM Ethical Fund

ARM Eurobond Fund

ARM Fixed Income Fund

ARM Money Market Fund

Additional Voluntary Contribution

Retirement Savings Account

Easy Will

Education Trust

StockTrade: Online Stock Trading

Adiva Plainfields I

Adiva Plainfields Phase II

Beechwood Estate

Beechwood Park

Emotan Gardens

Fara Park

Fara Park II

Lakowe Lakes Golf & Country Estates

Residence De La Paix (RDP)

The Cove at Lakowe Lakes

Townsville Estate
Investment Articles

Just like a scene from the movies…
Esther stood for close to an hour drinking in the sight of her husband Felix as he lay cold and lifeless in state. She tried to remember how well she knew him before his sudden demise...
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5 ways to survive a lean purse after paying school fees
This is the month of paying school fees and of course paying more since your child must have moved to a new class...
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